
December 26, 2021

Pink Orange Pavlova

Chapter Nine

Pavlovas are a beautiful, marshmallowy, crunchy, decadent art piece. At their core the messy beauty of this dessert starts from the meringue base. From there on the colors that adorn this dessert all play into the creativeness of the artist. For this particular pavlova, varying shades of orange decorate it. Piled high with silky whipped cream, thick and citrusy pink orange curd, and candied orange slices, this dessert will showcase its uniqueness wherever it’s displayed.

This dessert is so much fun to make because it has no rules when assembling, throw on any seasonal fruit, your favorite syrups and ganaches, chocolates, cookies, or curds. This dessert can be a reflection of your favorite things or a reflection of the current season which is why I think they so perfectly embody an art piece. No matter how they look, they always have this ability of being gorgeous and put together, it can be messy, crackly, with uneven edges, and dripping cream and it will still have an absolutely exquisite quality about it.

Blood and Pink oranges are so special in their peak time, their taste and color are absolutely beautiful and they need a center stage on this pavlova. This dessert is part sweet, part tart, and fully delicious. If you love oranges and citrus this dessert is a must try and is a beautiful homage to the fruit we all know and love.

Seasoned Sugar- The first step to this curd is one of my favorites parts of this recipe. Zesting in all that gorgeous flavor from the citrus fruits into sugar and letting all the flavors soak and color it is always such a pretty sight and it truly deepens the overall flavor of the curd!

Orange Curd- This pink orange curd is so special and the flavor of the juice of your oranges will determine the overall taste so make sure you like the quality of it! Make sure to keep your heat low and watch your curd as it's easy for the eggs to cook since it's not over a double boiler. If you prefer the safety net of a double boiler go for it, as you won't have to be as careful about the eggs cooking.

Candied Orange Slices- Any fruit candied is so delicious but there's something extra special about citrus being candied. Something about the flavors and the natural tartness of citrus fruits becomes extra special after steeping in a sugar mixture and it tops this dessert perfectly. It’s the final note to an already amazing pavlova. This sweet, chewy, topping elevates both its flavor and looks into something unforgettable.

Pink Orange Pavlova

Piled high with silky whipped cream, thick and citrusy pink orange curd, and candied orange slices, this dessert will showcase its uniqueness wherever it’s displayed.


Hira Rehman











Pink Orange Curd

  • ½-¾  cup sugar
  • Zest of 3 pink navel oranges
  • Zest of 1 lemon
  • ¾ cup juice of oranges
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 2 whole eggs
  • 4 tbsp butter

Candied Orange Slices

  • 1 cup sugar plus extra for coating
  • ½ cup water
  • 3-4 oranges sliced


  • 4 egg whites
  • ¾ cup sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 ½ tsp cornstarch
  • ½ tsp cream of tartar

Whipped Cream:

  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream
  • ¼ cup sugar


Pink Orange Curd:

  1. Begin by zesting your oranges into your sugar to let the flavors soak in and season the sugar.
  2. Juice your navel oranges and lemon until you reach 1 cup worth of juice and begin to separate the whites and egg yolks (use the whites for the pavlova).
  3. Heat your saucepan and pour in your sugar and juice. Taste and add more as needed, bring this mixture to a simmer while you add in your eggs.
  4. Whisking constantly, add in your pinch of salt, and remove once the curd is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon.
  5. Pour into a heat safe bowl, and cover with a plastic wrap pressing onto the top of the curd so it doesn't develop a skin. Chill in the fridge until it's cool.

Candied Orange Slices:

  1. Heat up your pan and melt down your sugar and water mixture. Chop up your pink, and navel or mandarin oranges into slices and toss them into the bubbling sugar water.
  2. Leave the slices in, flipping every few seconds for 3-5 minutes and dip half immediately in sugar. Let them cool completely before decorating.

Whipped Cream:

  1. Pour your heavy cream and sugar into a stand mixer and beat until its thick and creamy for about 3-5 minutes.


  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Beat your egg whites in a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment until they are frothy and add in your sugar ¼ cup at a time, beating in between as it rises.
  2. Once you achieve soft peaks add in your vanilla extract and keep whisking. You know you have achieved stiff peaks when you can lift your whisk off and flip it upside down and it holds its shape without falling.
  3. Fold in your cream of tartar and cornstarch and begin to set it on your parchment paper. Dump your whipped meringue onto your parchment paper, shaping it into a circle (be careful to remember these don't rise much in the oven so the size it goes in with is normally the size it comes out with).
  4. Lower your oven to 205 degrees and bake for 90 minutes to 2 hours. Let it cool out of the oven, add on your toppings, and decorate!

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